Unfortunately, there might come a time when your senior loved one is more stressed than they should. Just as it might be for you, it could be very difficult for your elderly loved one to manage or reduce this stress. The good news is that there are many stress reduction tips that you can share with your elderly loved one that might help.

One of the things that might help your elderly loved one to reduce their stress is meditation. Being mindful can help your elderly loved one to clean their mind. It can relieve anxiety, stress, and other negative thoughts and emotions. If your elderly loved one is feeling stressed because their mind is running all over the place, being mindful through meditation is a great way to relieve that stress. You and the senior care providers should encourage your elderly loved one to meditate for 10-15 minutes daily.
Staying Active
Exercising is one of the best ways to reduce stress relief. If your elderly loved one is feeling extremely stressed, exercising can take their mind off from how they are feeling. It can also help to clear their mind, so they can focus on something more positive. In addition, research shows that staying active can help people to be physically healthier. This, alone, can help your elderly loved one to feel better about their life. If needed, you or a senior care provider can help your elderly loved one to stick to an exercise plan. You can do this through daily calls or by putting an exercise schedule on their wall. Depending on your elderly loved one’s current exercise regimen, you should encourage them to exercise or be active for at least 20-30 minutes a day.
Eating Healthy Foods
Another way that your elderly loved one can reduce their stress is by eating healthy foods. Research shows that some foods can help people to instantly feel better, while others can help to relieve stress over time. If your elderly loved one eats more blueberries, bananas, kale, and other healthy foods, it can help to greatly reduce their stress. They should also be avoiding junk food if they are feeling stressed. Those types of foods will only make things worse.
Dealing with Stress with the Help of Senior Care
Is your elderly loved one feeling stressed? While stress is normal, it shouldn’t be at a level that causes someone to feel negative about themselves or their lives. If this is happening for your elderly loved one, be sure you help your elderly loved one to start following these tips. If you and their senior care providers can get them doing these things, it can reduce their stress and prevent further stress, too.
Sources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1940105/